Whether or not one was to agree with the standpoint of the Chik-Fil-A CEO or not..
A very striking and excellent point does arise.
["Is it fair to block business based on a belief or comment of the CEO when it IS in fact his First Amendment Right to say how he 'feels'?]
A very striking and excellent point does arise.
["Is it fair to block business based on a belief or comment of the CEO when it IS in fact his First Amendment Right to say how he 'feels'?]
Seeing as Chik-Fil-A is being blocked by multiple cities based on the CEO saying he "DID NOT" approve of gay marriage while those same cities are not stopping any openly gay businesses from operating.
*POINT*: It would be the same as if a city/political entity said someone couldn't open a business because they said they DID approve of gay marriage. It's the same violation of rights, someone is being denied the right to operate a business based on how they feel about gay marriage which is complete horseshit (go read the US Constitution if you have issue with my statement). I DARE ANYBODY to challenge that FACT.
In the name of being impartial/non-biased and fair, what's good for one SHOULD be good for the other. If people can say they want to be gay and still have a business, then people who say they don't want to be gay should be able to have a business as well.
Regardless of what someone's individual preference is, things need to stay level and fair. It's the biased bigotry that people constantly bitch about yet them bitching about it is biased and bigoted in itself. When will the BULLSHIT end people? The world is SOOOO much bigger than just "your shit", so as we fix what one crybaby is bitching about, in turn we begin causation of the next crybaby's bullshit. A vicious and unending cycle of pure bigotry, intolerance and hate. GET OVER IT YOU WHINY-ASS BITCHES.. Hating others for hating you is still hate. Bunch of haters..
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